Saturday, May 18, 2013


Spring always brings out my creativity, so I've been working a lot on my computer and sketching and painting and such. Others may think that I have been "wasting" my time on my computer, with facebook or tv shows or whatever, but they are misinformed.
This is what I've been doing, editing photos, and making videos and painting and reading.

And just for you mom, I have also been doing homework, just sent in my final English essay. And the Existentialist whale is from Religion, where she dared us to write a phrase or draw a picture and I drew a whale and then had to explain what I meant, because no one in Denmark as read the Hitchhikers Guide. :) It was a good day.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Weekend in the Resort

I have not written in a while, but my life is busy with the ending of school and if I'm gonna take the danish exams or not. I finished a very only music video for the 2011 Madison Protests. That link will be up on facebook soon.
I went to South Jylland with my family last weekend and we stayed at a nice resort where we had our own house and there was a pool and sauna house that we could go to free. We were there with Ellen's family. The two girls Emma and Laura were very sweet and we all had lots of fun.

These are the houses like our's. Our's was blue.

Nikolai and the girls.

Shopping in Germany is cheaper than in Denmark, so they stocked up on things they needed.

Also at the resort.

Dinner with the family.

Nikolai and I tied a car race with cars we put together ourselves.

Getting ready for riding Segways.

We got to all try out riding on Segways for free at this science place. It was super fun and exciting. I tripped once, but didn't hurt. After that, we all rode around the course several times in all and had tons of fun.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Weekend in Odense

Last weekend I had a seminaR weekend in Odense with the YFU pRogRam. I was there with all the other YFU students fRom this year. There weRe a lot of us, and though I hadn't met most of them, they had all met each other last yeaR at eaRlier seminaRs. It was gReat to meet everyone. I made a lot of new friends and they were all Really nice. BefoRe going back to ouR own homes in DenmaRk, we went to a paRk in Odense and saw Hans C. Anderson's house. It was a gReat day!

The tree acRoss from the bus station.

HC Anderson's museum
HC Anderson's house
sitting on a statue
in town
Paul looking like Psy.
The giRls all Rush over.
at the YFU house in Odense.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Music Concert

All the music classes, including mine, are performing tonight at the school. I am playing piano in a classical piece. Mostly everyone is playing pop songs. I will be sure to post the pictures tomorrow when I get them to the computer. Hope your spring is finally coming. Ours is only just starting, but it is still cold and windy. Missing Madison <3